Monday, April 12, 2010

Objectives and assets list

Above are my objective and assets list. For your objectives it is quite simple; 1st and main objective is to kill your enemy gun down Boran. Your 2nd and final objective is to grab your enemy's flag and once done, you are free from prison. For my assets list i do not have many of them because my battle arena isn't that big.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

character story 3

My third character is Boran Folkes, also known as gundown Boran. He is a 35 year old man who has a wish for killing. Before he went to prison, he suddenly went on a rampage and starting killing innocent people around america including Matt's wife. After 2 years the police finally caught Boran and he was guilty and sent to life in prison. He has a sick mind and only has one thing his mind, thats killing.

my story changed

i have decided to change my story. Matt Holmes , the 32 year old man has purposely robbed a bank to go to prison because he wants to kill the man who killed his wife. His name is Boran Folkes but everyone knows him as gundown Boran because he's a machine with weapons. In this certain prison they have one on one fights with guns and win 10, you are free to go. Boran is the champion and has won all his matches. Matt must beat 9 men until he can vs Boran. But as always noel will be there to guide him.